Square Enix Confirms Blockchain Games Are a Priority

2 min read

In a New Year’s letter from the president, the company has confirmed it is “most focused” on blockchain entertainment.

This is absolutely major news considering how many game companies and gamers currently hate NFTs.

In terms of new business domains, we named three focus investment fields under our medium-term business plan.

Among those, we are most focused on blockchain entertainment, to which we have devoted aggressive investment and business development efforts.

Looking externally, I think it is fair to say that blockchain gained significant recognition as a field in 2022, as evidenced by “Web 3.0” becoming a firmly established buzzword among businesspeople.

This is the complete opposite of what we have heard from Minecraft, Steam, and more.

Keeping a steady eye on these environmental changes while considering from a higher-level perspective what Web 3.0 and blockchain entertainment are actually all about presents a different vista than if we focus on them solely in technological or speculative investment terms.

As I said in last year’s New Year’s letter, if we consider traditional gaming to have been centralized, then blockchain gaming must operate based on a self-sustaining decentralized model.

It is that concept, that philosophy that I see to be key.  

Multiple blockchain gaming events held overseas recently produced more active discussion than ever before about what makes the games exciting and what their user community looks like.

The market was driven more by speculative investors than by gamers though 2021.

In other words, the content that was at the forefront was created based on the premise that blockchain and NFTs should result in monetization.

However, in the wake of the aforementioned turbulence in the cryptocurrency industry, there is now a trend to view blockchain technology as a mere means to an end and to discuss what needs to happen to achieve the end of delivering new experiences and excitement to customers.

I see this as a very beneficial development for the future growth of the industry.

Our Group has multiple blockchain games based on original IPs under development, some of which we announced last year, and we are undertaking preparations that will enable us to unveil even more titles this year.

We are also engaged in global sourcing from an investment perspective and will continue to take stakes in promising businesses whether we find them in Japan or abroad.

Blockchain has been an object of exhilaration and a source of turmoil, but with that in the rearview mirror, we hope that blockchain games will transition to a new stage of growth in 2023.

Does Enjin Make a Comeback With Square Enix and Final Fantasy?

We previously covered Enjin’s partnership announcement with Square Enix.

But overall Enjin as been super slow to release Enjin Wallet 2.0, NFT.io, Efinity, and many other solutions that seem to be endlessly in development.

It would stand to reason that Square Enix would be going all in on Enjin, based on this New Year’s letter from the president.

Here is Enjin recapping the partnership news from the summer of 2022:

This could be a major reason to speculate on the future of Enjin Coin, EFI, Efinity and Polkadot moving forward in 2023.

More news to come as we have it.

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